Home Technology Crazy hands. No Man’s Sky released a major update with a ship...

Crazy hands. No Man’s Sky released a major update with a ship editor

Crazy hands. No Man’s Sky released a major update with a ship editor

Once upon a time, No Man’s Sky was considered the epitome of false advertising – the authors promised an incredible space simulator, but did not understand what they did. Since then, the game has changed: Hello Games studio has released many patches, thanks to which the ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. And although in the eyes of the fans the team has long ago redeemed itself, it still does not stop polishing its brainchild.

Yesterday, for example, the free Orbital update was released . Its key features are the ship editor, as well as redesigned (and now much more diverse) space stations. Plus, some mechanics have been slightly retouched (reputation among different races now affects prices from alien traders; guilds now give much better rewards). You can get acquainted with all the changes and edits (there are many of them!) on the official Cosmosima website .

Let’s remember that No Man’s Sky was released in the summer of 2016. The game was released in a deplorable state, which is why it and its authors became the laughing stock of the industry for some time. Fortunately, the team gathered their courage and began correcting the errors. For many years now, the title has been associated not with an embarrassing failure, but with an impressive atonement for sins.