Home Technology Rumor: Samsung smart ring will learn to look into the owner’s refrigerator

Rumor: Samsung smart ring will learn to look into the owner’s refrigerator

Rumor: Samsung smart ring will learn to look into the owner’s refrigerator

The Korean publication Chosun Biz has published insider information about the capabilities of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Ring smart ring. According to the source, the gadget will be able to not only measure pulse, but also take on the role of a personal nutritionist.


According to insiders, the company plans to link the Galaxy Ring with the Samsung Food app. It selects the power mode using an AI algorithm and is compatible with other smart home devices, including refrigerators with smart functions. It is assumed that the gadget will be able to clarify nutrition recommendations, taking into account the user’s health indicators (for example, BMI and calorie counter).

According to rumors, Samsung Food, in conjunction with a smart refrigerator, will be able to analyze the contents of the latter and recommend various purchases and recipes. This function will presumably be available only in South Korea, and the source names the Samsung e-Food Center grocery store chain as the “supplier” of the products.